joi, 26 iunie 2014

Promotia 2014 / Graduating 2014

Ro: Se spune ca omul cat traieste ... invata ...
E asa de adevarat ... dar vine vremea cand trebuie sa absolvim si sa punem in practica ce am invatat.
Promotia bufnitelor 2014 ... cele mai bune dintre ele au avut parte de o sedinta foto minunata.

En: There is a saying: "as long as you live, you learn ..." So true ... but there is the time when you have to graduate and put out in practice what you already have learned.

Here is the promotion of owls of 2014 ... te best of them and they enjoyed a wonderful photo session.

Profu' / The teacher

Profu si studentii / The teacher and the students

Alti studenti / Other students
Fetele / Girls

Baietii / Boys

Cu drag,

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